Year In Review

In 2023 we celebrated 7 years of successful business

Our working community increased to 600+ employees

Two offices were opened, giving SmithRx four in-person locations

Our teams were enhanced. One of which being the Member Support team that grew by 200%

New Member Portal tools were launched like Find My Meds and Member chat

We added new and improved Connect 360 Programs, including:

Low Cost Insulin
Humira Biosimilars
Diabetes Non-Insulin

We achieved over 500k Members under management

SmithRx grew its employer base to 3,500+ clients

We saved our employer groups over $200M delivered from Connect 360 programs

Our data integrations expanded to include 100+ TPA integrations

We're consistently saving employers 20% or more of their total drug costs compared to legacy PBMs

We began two new partnerships this year including Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs and Amazon Pharmacy

And finally, with our average member satisfaction at 4.3 stars on Google Reviews, SmithRx is leading the PBM industry with excellent customer care.

That’s a wrap! Thank you for an incredible year.

We look forward to working with you in 2024 and beyond.

See more of our 2023 Year in Review